As at 4pm on 11 June 2020, in the Isle of Man there have been:
Confirmed cases 336 |
Hospital admissions 0 |
Total tests 5433 |
Concluded tests 5415 |
Awaiting results 18 |
Awaiting tests 3 |
Number of deaths 24 |
Total active cases (community and hospital) 0 |
Number of deaths in hospital 6 |
Number of deaths in the community 18 |
This information is also available as open data.
Daily confirmed cases
As at 4pm on 11 June 2020
Likely uncontrolled progression
DHSC planning assumptions
Optimal social distancing
Three day average
Actual cases
The graph shows the daily confirmed cases and the projected infection rates for a best case scenario compared to a likely uncontrolled progression. The graph demonstrates the importance of social distancing to avoid a sharp peak of infections and ensure our health service is able to manage the number of cases it experiences.
Cases in the Isle of Man
New cases
Total cases
Active cases
The above chart shows active cases, new cases and total confirmed cases in the Isle of Man from the start of the coronavirus pandemic and how the Island is progressing through each phase of the stay safe roadmap.
Borders (all ports) |
Closed to everyone from Friday 6 am on 27 March 2020 (except key workers, subject to prior approval; Isle of Man residents returning from overseas; Isle of Man residents returning to the Island after leaving to see immediate family for compassionate reasons, for example end of life or to attend a funeral; and non-Island residents who wish to travel to the Isle of Man on compassionate grounds, either to attend the funeral of a close family member or to visit a terminally ill close family relative. See: Travel and Borders |
Businesses |
To help reinforce social distancing all non-essential shops and community spaces were closed from 11:59pm on Thursday 26 March. Most non-essential shops, retail, service, lifestyle and hospitality businesses may now re-open, with full social distancing measures in place. See: List of closures and exemptions Essential services and suppliers remain open and will be following strict social distancing guidelines. For all businesses that have not been mandated to close, employers must take every possible step to facilitate their employees working from home, including providing suitable IT and equipment to enable remote working. Businesses where working from home is not an option may be operational but must make sure strict social distancing and health guidelines are in place to protect workers. Please see the full list of closures and exemptions for more information. |
Freight and supplies |
Continuing as normal |
Gatherings & social events |
Outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people are now permitted; however social distancing must be observed at all times between those from different households. Up to two people will also be able to visit you inside your home with no strict time restriction. Both visitors should be from the same household. Guidance from The European Centre for Disease Control recommends that indoor contact is limited to 15 minutes and social distancing should be observed. While this measure is highly recommended, it is an individual’s choice whether to observe this guidance. |
Hospitals |
Visiting restricted. |
In an emergency |
Call 999 |
Public transport |
Currently operating, please avoid non-essential travel where possible. See: Public transport |
Road restrictions |
All-island speed limit of 40mph in place. Continue to observe 30mph and 20mph as currently required. Car sharing with up to two people from another household is permitted. In the case of a taxi, the vehicle may be shared with members of his or her household and the driver. Update 28 May: With effect from 15 June the Island-wide speed limit will increase to 60mph. |
Schools |
Schools are closed to most pupils, but some remain open for children of key workers, vulnerable or SEN children, and children of workers in the construction, trades and horticulture sectors. Nurseries are closed to most pupils, but remain open for children of key workers, vulnerable or SEN children, and children of workers in the construction, trades and horticulture sectors. Free school meals continue to be provided. From Monday 15 June all school sites will be reopen and from Wednesday 17 June all those children currently taught in hubs will be able to return to their normal school. See also: Schools and nurseries |
Self-isolation requirements |
All new arrivals must self-isolate for 14 days. See also: Managing household waste |
Shops (non-essential suppliers) |
Most non-essential shops, retail, service, lifestyle and hospitality businesses may re-open, with full social distancing measures in place. |
Construction and trades |
Emergency and essential work or work on critical national infrastructure continues to be able to take place. Construction, trades and horticulture are now able to return to work provided that they are able to observe strict social distancing rules while doing so. See also: Guidance for construction sites |
Social distancing |
Social distancing remains compulsory for all residents whenever at work or outside of the home.
Stay home and stay safe requirement |
It’s important that everyone plays their part in reducing the spread of coronavirus in the Isle of Man. This means protecting yourself, others and our health service by making sensible choices about where you go and what you do. It’s important that where you can, you stay home as much as possible. When we reduce our day-to-day contact with other people, we will reduce the spread of the infection. That’s why it’s really important to continue to follow good social distancing habits. See also: Stay home and stay safe |
Symptoms and testing |
Use online assessment tool or call 111 |
In order to slow the spread of COVID-19 if you CAN stay at home, do so. If you absolutely have to go out, then keep your distance.